Saturday, August 11, 2007

Webcast report: Our response to the issue of government responsibility.

- Covers all children regardless of citizenship status. Will reduce impact on reliance on ER.

- Cap at 5% seems fair at the beginning but is there a huge variance on how people take care of themselves based on income?

Missing or Concerns:

- Who will run this show? Politicians need to stay out of this.

- Can it really be reworked to actually work? Or is the entire system broken?

- For all at-risk populations – for all vulnerable – need to be protected and covered.

- Wellness programs that HMOs were supposed to address – this hasn't happened because it's not in their best interest to provide such services.
Joint government and employer side that addresses wellness.
Some incentives need to be placed to enforce wellness. Subsidize community exercise programs, increase health awareness. Auto insurance works with incentives – if you exercise often.

- But what happens if people don't fit in these boxes?

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